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Advent of Code 2024

In this year we are looking for lost Chief Historian elf through all important events and places of The Advent of Code history.

And I've decided to refresh my Go skills by solving AoC challenges with it.

2024 solutions are available on my aoc repository

01 Historian Hysteria

AoC day page

Warm up day. Find difference between sorted values of two lists.

02 Red-Nosed Reports

AoC day page

Check the unusual data. Find the "unsafe" levels in reports by provided rules.

03 Mull It Over

AoC day page

Help shopkeeper with computer. Run multiplications from "corrupted memory".

AoC day page

Help elf on the Ceres station. Finx word XMAS on the text grid.

05 Print Queue

AoC day page

Sort sleigh manual pages. The twist is in the very specific sorting rules.

06 Guard Gallivant

AoC day page

Avoid guard in the past. Help historains to understand the guard's movements.

07 Bridge Repair

AoC day page

Help engineers with bridge repair. Find how to add + and * to the equation to get the desired result.

08 Resonant Collinearity

AoC day page

Find antenas antinodes. Search for the specific collinear points on the grid.

09 Disk Fragmenter

AoC day page

(De)fragment the disk. Help amphipod to move files on the disk.

10 Hoof It

AoC day page

Hike on the Lava Island. Help reinder to find the specific paths on the grid.

11 Plutonian Pebbles

AoC day page

Don't blink on the Plutonian Pebbles. Count the pebbles smart way.

12 Garden Groups

AoC day page

Help gardener with fences. Calculate polygons properties on the grid.

13 Claw Contraption

AoC day page

Mash claw machine buttons. Solve some equations to get the desired result.

14 Restroom Redoubt

AoC day page

Observe restroom guard robots. Simulate the guard robots movements.

15 Warehouse Woes

AoC day page

Help lanternfish with food warehouse. Move boxes with collision detection.

17 Chronospatial Computer

AoC day page

Debug historians computer. Wrtite the emulator and quine for the computer.

18 Ram Run

AoC day page

Run out of RAM block. Don't get blocked on the RAM grid by falling bytes.